Healthcare Team
Community Midwives
Our community midwife attends the surgery antenatal clinic. She also visits at home for ten day postnatal checks. We share maternity care with the local hospital obstetricians.
Community Nurses
Our district nurses provide nursing services for our patients in the community. They undertake regular visits to the home / bed bound, dress wounds and ulcers and provide palliative care. They can be contacted at Elm Park Clinic on 0300 300 1794.
Health Visitors
Our health visitor provides advice and support on many topics eg Child care and development, positive parenting. They can be contacted at Elm Park Clinic on 01708 796066 or South Hornchurch Clinic on 01708 796500.
Other Healthcare Team
We are part of the Havering Crest Network and as such we have other staff members working for the practice – Clinical Pharmacist, Physician associate, Social Prescriber, Care co-ordinator, Podiatrist, First Contact Physiotherapist